The journey of being photographer seems to be an easy one. You have a camera and here you go. You’re now called a Photographer…
Until you realise there is so much more your clients deserve and so much worth in you being an artist or at least an artisan who creatively express herself.
Although I spend a lot of time doing Personal Branding shots my true love stays in Portrait Photography – I was always drawn to this soulful, intense connection between myself and my subject. There is a mixture of emotions just hiding under the top layer of “the tough skin” we show to the world. I always wanted to scratch this layer and got inside.
It was a long journey ( and it still is), involving hours of practice to make my technical skills better and better, education at the best teachers I could find to mentor me and get me on the right tracks, editing, skill fully planning how to get the vision out of my head through the session in the studio to final image that would match my original Creative Idea.
I’m getting there, slowly and proudly, with gratefulness I receive the awards and the critic as well that make me a better artist and photographer so that I can turn images of you into the heirloom masterpieces.
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